From what age are the children allowed to join the school?
From age 3 - or nearly 3 if they are used to being left and you think they will cope
I would like to bring my child for a free trial session. How does this work?
Just let us know when you would like to come so we know when to expect you. We offer two free trial classes to new pupils
Do I have to wait until the beginning of a term?
No - new pupils are welcome to start at any time (except just before a show)
Can I watch the classes?
Obviously you will want to see what goes on in our classes so for the first class you are very welcome to stay and watch. Unfortunately we do not have facilities for parents to wait with the children but as we are so close to town, most parents take the opportunity to pop to the shops!
What should he/she wear?
Comfy leggings or tracksuit bottoms, a T-shirt and a sweatshirt/zipper which can be taken off if necessary. Soft plimsoll or deck shoe type shoes but no black soles please. We do have a uniform which can be purchased from the studio but we suggest you give it a few weeks to make sure they wish to continue before you invest! We try to keep our prices as low as possible and are happy to advise you on what to buy first.
Does my child have to be toilet trained?
Yes. The children are encouraged to go to the toilet before the start of the class and we have student teachers who can take the younger children to the toilet during class if necessary. We do not get upset if there is an occasional accident but for obvious reasons it is always better if these can be avoided.
My child already attends another dancing school for some lessons. Can we join with you as well?
In line with generally accepted dance school etiquette, we do not accept children who are already attending another dance school, unless it is a style of dance that is completely different to what we offer, for example Irish dancing or ballroom dancing.
How are fees charged?
The first class is free. The following 4 weeks can be paid for on a weekly basis, after which an invoice will be issued for the remainder of the term. Invoices for fees are then issued at the beginning of each term (January, April and September.) and a period of 4 - 5 weeks is given before payment for that term is due.
Do classes run in the school holidays?
We break for a minimum of six weeks in the summer, two weeks at Easter and two or three weeks at Christmas. Most classes continue during the half term holidays but these are sometimes re-scheduled so that the students can attend class during the day instead of the evenings.
Do you refund for missed classes?
Unfortunately, as a general rule, we are unable to refund for absences.
Can my child attend dancing classes just once a week?
The youngest children (age 3 - 5 ) only attend classes once a week (Saturday morning) as we are able to combine syllabus with very simple dance routines for performances. Older children who progress to junior level have the choice of coming once or twice a week. Those who wish to just do the syllabus class come on a weekday after school and those who also want to do the stage (performance) class attend on a Saturday morning as well.
What about Drama and Cheer Dance?
These are taught independently so students do not have to commit to any other classes, however these classes are offered at a reduced rate to those who also attend a syllabus and stage class.
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